Art Book
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Presented in collaboration with the Burning Man Project and Snap Collective, "Manifest for the Moon" showcases selected art pieces from all the missions of the Lunar Codex.
Founded by Dr. Philipp W. Müller, and headed by CEO Charlotte Müller, Snap Collective is an art publishing house designed to help to bring to life portfolios of international artists and photographers. Leveraging best-in-class printing and distribution partners, and a world-class design team, Snap Collective has produced some of the world's most sought-after monographs.
One of these was the art book "North/South" by award-winning realist painter Traci Wright Martin. Martin, a Lunar Codex artist, introduced Charlotte Müller to Dr. Samuel Peralta, sparking the collaboration that led to the groundbreaking survey of the works of the Lunar Codex.
While speaking together, both Müller and Dr. Peralta discovered their shared love for the Burning Man - the annual California event that is a paean to performance and space art. Müller introduced Dr. Peralta to Marian Goodell, CEO of the Burning Man Project - and the collaboration between Burning Man and the Lunar Codex was born.
The three groups have now collaborated in putting together a landmark monograph, celebrating the art of the Lunar Codex, one the most expansive and truly global art projects of its kind.
"Manifest for the Moon" is catalogued at the Danish Royal Library in Copenhagen.
Images on this page courtesy Snap Collective, with copyright by the respective artists.
The Lunar Codex earns no revenue from sales of this book. All proceeds accrue to supporting artists through Snap Collective.
Manifest for the Moon:
The Art of the Lunar Codex
A note from the Charlotte Müller, editor of Manifest for the Moon, and CEO, Snap Collective:
Each of us dreams about what’s possible, right? Sometimes, you meet people who do the impossible, inspiring you to create magical things. This happened to me when our author Tracy Martin introduced me to Dr. Samuel Peralta, the visionary behind the Lunar Codex. The Lunar Codex is an archive of over 250,000 art pieces of contemporary art, books, music, poetry, and film with representatives from each and every country and territory on Earth, which are sent to the Moon via NASA’s Commercial Lunar Payload Services (CLPS) and Artemis programs.
Tracy Martin who is part of original Lunar Codex artist group inspired me give more Snap Collective artists the chance to be archived on the Moon. Our algorithm selected 80 book covers, each an individual artwork, which you will find in this book.
NASA’s Artemis Program aims to return humans to the Moon and establish a permanent base. Ahead of this, unmanned missions launch via the CLPS Program, with partners like Intuitive Machines and Astrobotic Technology, using rockets from SpaceX and the United Launch Alliance (ULA). These missions carry NASA instruments and commercial payloads—including the Lunar Codex time capsules, fully funded by Incandence, at no cost to artists. At Snap Collective we also offer artists a service at no cost - this felt very fitting.

Another woman who deeply inspires me—and who I am proud to call a friend—is Marian Goodell, CEO of Burning Man. Burning Man showed me that humans can create the impossible, surviving and creating art in the harshest environments. It felt fitting to honor Burning Man artists whose work connects to space and the Moon and include them in the Lunar Codex.
This book features selected work from two launches:
â–ª Codex Minerva (Feb 26, 2025) – Snap Collective book covers launching to Mons Mouton via NASA CLPS-TO-PRIME-1.
â–ª Codex Polaris (Dec 2025) – Burning Man artworks launching to Nobile Crater, Lunar South Pole, via NASA CLPS-TO-20A.
We also highlight artists personally selected by Dr. Peralta for the Lunar Codex, spanning all seven missions from 2022 to 2025.

Samuel, thank you for your vision and perseverance. Thanks to the Burning Man team, the Snap Collective artists, my incredible team, and my father, who always taught me to dream big.
Ending with his favorite quote:
Flow is a state in which people are so involved in an activity that nothing else seems to matter; the experience is so enjoyable that people will continue to do it even at great cost, for the sheer sake of doing it.
– Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi.
May this book remind you that anything is possible, that we thrive through collaboration, and that by sharing our gifts, we grow—together—toward a better future.
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Manifest for the Moon:
Snap Collective
Charlotte Müller - CEO
Dr. Philipp W. Müller - Partner
Yevgeniya Müller - Partner
> key team for Manifest for the Moon
Charlotte Müller - Editor
Nicoleta Vasilache - Editorial Assistant
Elena Bidnenko - Designer
Burning Man
Marian Goodell - CEO
Katie Hazard - Director of Art
& the artists of Burning Man
Lunar Codex
Samuel Peralta - Founder
& the artists of the Lunar Codex
+ key team behind the documentary
The Art Side of the Moon
Kim Ingles & Julia Lörsch