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Lunar Codex - Nova Collection partial.png

The Lunar Codex uses digital and analog technology to preserve art, books, music, film, and more. The archival media depends on the project mission and the requirements of payload integration.

Depending on the mission, our time capsules are based on one or more types of media:
  - etched metal (silver discs, nickel or gold microfiche)

  - ceramic-glass memory (digital or analog)
  - quartz nanochips, 
semiconductor memory (flash or solid-state devices), and
  - chromatin-based microfiche (synthetic DNA).



Etched Metal Technology

The primary media used for archiving Lunar Codex files in the Nova and Akasha time capsules is nickel-based microfiche, also called NanoFiche. Our Freya, Serenity, and Polaris time capsules also utilize this archival medium in tandem with other technologies. Nickel-based NanoFiche is our medium of choice for resilient, longevity-targeted applications.

Gold-based NanoFiche has been tested for applications harsher than the lunar environment, while silver discs were used in our Peregrine time capsule.

The technology is similar conceptually to microfiche, except that a more robust metal substrate is used instead of a fragile polymer film, as the base on which to save text and images. 


Developed by Stamper Technology, NanoFiche stores orders of magnitude more content in the same space as microfiche. It is impervious to temperature and humidity, and has a near-zero degradation factor.


As an archival medium, it can be expected to last for hundreds of thousands of years, if not more. The Arch Mission Foundation and others have called it the medium of choice for a "billion-year archive".


The image on the left is a micrograph of a nickel-based NanoFiche circle the size of a quarter, one of eight from layer 14 of a 16-layer disc stack. This particular circle contains the Nova collection of the Lunar Codex. The disc contains hundreds and hundreds of small square image, each 2Kx2K pixels in size, in sets of three - one channel each for red, blue, and green (RBG). 

As Incandence supported development of this technology, of the 8x15 NanoFiche collections in this stack, only the Lunar Codex's RGB collection has been proven decodable for full-color reproduction.


Micrograph with LunarCodex logo 2.jpg

The RGB channels can be re-combined - as shown below - into a multicolor reproduction of the original piece.


The multi-channel NanoFiche technology for color reproduction was developed during processing of the Lunar Codex archive, and is used for the first time ever for this archive.

While art is saved as multiple RGB files, poetry and other text is saved as a single-channel image per page. Music is saved on NanoFiche as a waveform and spectral decomposition image, as sheet music, or as hex-encoded MIDI files; other formats such as WAV or MP4 are saved digitally, as is video, and not on NanoFiche.


To further illustrate how NanoFiche technology can miniaturize high-resolution images, the photo below shows the book Memory's Children and the catalof fot the art exhibit Chronicles of a Future Foretold, reduced to credit-card size using a similar gold-based microfiche technology.


The technology produces images on gold of density 20,000 dots per inch (dpi). Each page is 5 mm in height and can be read with a magnifying glass.

MC COAFF Samples w 5mm.jpg

Despite this amazing reduction in size, the gold-based technology is not being used for the Moon, because of weight considerations. We need another medium that accepts a higher resolution over a smaller area, more amenable to launching into space. That material is nickel.


Contrast the gold-etched Memory's Children with a nickel-based 200,000-dpi NanoFiche disk below, with ten times the resolution, where fonts are 1 um, the size of a bacillus bacterium.

This nickel-based NanoFiche technology - the disk in the center - is what is used in the Lunar Codex's Neon and Polaris time capsules.


The Foundation disk above contains the exact data as the crystal archive in the glove compartment of the red Tesla roadster launched via SpaceX in 2018.

The Memory's Children book on gold microfiche - now known as Totenpass to differentiate from the nickel-based NanoFiche - is too heavy to be economical for launch, but can theoretically withstand the environmental conditions on Mars.


NanoFiche can store 150,000 pages of text or photos on a single 8.5”x11” sheet. It is currently the highest density storage media in the world. 


For XM1, Lunar Codex graphics and text images are etched alongside other client images and enclosed in a time capsule on the NASA CLPS-2 lander.


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Lunar Codex Polaris 4 discs -01.jpg

Analog technology was also used in our payload for Astrobotic's Peregrine Mission One (PM1) on Moonstone, in this case an etched silver disk that, for Codex purposes, confirms Dr. Peralta as payload provider for the program. 



Ceramic-Glass Technology


One of the key storage technologies used by the Lunar Codex for its Serenity and Freya time capsules is a ceramic-glass medium storing digital information.












This utilizes machine-readable and writeable graphics and text files in standard formats, stored on a special ceramic and glass matrix. The manufacturer of the ceramic-glass medium, Cerabyte, say this material is the foundation for another "billion year archive". The Lunar Codex has performed background work to confirm a belief that the practical lifetimes for both NanoFiche and ceramic-matrix materials can exceed 10,000 years.










​Ceramic-glass technology may be used to save data in digital or analog formats, but to date the Lunar Codex has only used the technology as a digital archive.



​​​​Quartz Nanochips


This technology is currently text-only - in contrast to Nanofiche's analog capability - and utilizes the same etching process used in semiconductor processing to inscribe text onto quartz squares.

The letters are microscopically small at 3x3 µm in size, and 500 nm between characters, readable with a 2000x microscope. A typical 9x9 mm chip can accommodate in the range of 3.5 million letters of text.

This technology is utilized in the Lunar Codex's seventh mission - alongside Nanofiche, semiconductor, and other archival materials.​










Semiconductor Memory


The primary storage technology used by Codex for the Orion and Peregrine time capsules, and in some parts of Freya, Serenity, and Polaris, is digital semiconductor memory.

This utilizes machine-readable and writeable graphics and text files in standard formats, stored on solid-state devices or non-volatile flash memory.

NASA used the same class of flash memory for archival purposes in its Orion spacecraft MoonPod during its Artemis 1 mission in 2022. 


This NASA mission carried the Lunar Codex poem Three Faces of the Moon, completing lunar orbit and returning to Earth. ​


An alternative are solid-state devices, or SSDs, such as the NASA-certified Phison 8TB SSD utilized in Lonestar Data Holdings' off-world data storage solutions, accessed by the Lunar Codex via the Interstellar Foundation, or alternatives such as from Samsung, Kingston, and Lexar.

The advantage of using digital technology is its ability to record enormous amounts of data with a very small weight profile. Degradation and errors are addressed through file redundancy and/or shielding.

In our case, the main Lunar Codex files are have a redundancy factor of 2 or 3, depending on the mission.

The Lunar Codex payload for Peregrine and Polaris is enclosed in a MoonBox capsule, similar to the laser-printed containers shown below, fabricated by AON3D.

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Astrobotic MoonBox 3D Print by AON3D.jpg

The Lunar Codex uses space reserved in a total of seven physically separate MoonBox capsules - three on Peregrine and four on Polaris. On Peregrine these are consolidated, along with other similar payloads, in a single DHL MoonBox canister, as shown below.


This DHL MoonBox is physically bolted to the framework of the lander, which, when landing, serves as a marker for the time capsules on the lunar surface.




Stacked Analog-Digital Technology


For the Lunar Codex's Polaris time capsule - a stacked analog-digital storage system is used.

This consists of alternating layers of nickel shielding, NanoFiche memory discs and/or quartz nanochips, and digital flash memory, optimizing capacity and archival longevity.


Digital, analog, and hybrid time capsules will again be contained in two receptacles integrated a single sealed MoonBox canister bolted to the lunar lander's structure. We are also backed-up on two more receptacles in the same MoonBox, containing only NanoFiche, via our StamperTech partner.

The lander becomes a permanent marker of the location for the Polaris collection of the Lunar Codex.



Chromatin Microfiche


A crtitical storage technology being developed for Lunar Codex archives is based on synthetic DNA or chromatin-molecule based memory, specifically in a format engineered for our application by a bio-storage company partner. Examples of alternative technologies in this area are offered by Twist Biosciences and Biomemory.

The Lunar Codex calls the specific format to be used in its archives ChromaFiche. Using ChromaFiche for archiving data consists of taking the original data describing the text or image, and encoding this data onto synthesized molecules, with a parallel process at the decoding end.

The use of this medium for data storage in our current time capsules has been limited by high cost, relatively slow read-write times, and time-to-delivery. However, the use of ChromaFiche shows great potential in future long-term data storage in terms of high storage density and longevity.


More details on the ChromaFiche technology for use in Lunar Codex archives is forthcoming.



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The Lunar Codex is a curated archive of cultural works from across the globe, launched from Earth via NASA Artemis / CLPS program partners. The Lunar Codex is a project of Incandence Corp


This website copyright © 2020-2025 Incandence Corp. All rights reserved. No other websites or channels are affiliated with the Lunar Codex except as linked herein. The Lunar Codex, Le Codex Lunaire, Codex Orion, Codex Peregrine, Codex Nova, Codex Serenity, Codex Freya, Codex Polaris, Orion Collection, Peregrine Collection, Νουα Collection, Serenity Collection, Freya Collection, Polaris Collection, Manifest 9, Annex 9, Artists on the Moon, Archived on the Moon, Νουα (nu-omicron-upsilon-alpha), ChromaFiche, and associated logos and seals, are trademarks or registered trademarks of Incandence Corp. MoonBox, NanoFiche, and other marks are trademarks or registered trademarks of their owners. 


Individual works are copyright © by their respective creators, editors, publishers, or owners, and all rights as appropriate remain with them, whether or not a notice appears adjacent to the work. All works included in the Lunar Codex have been archived with permission from their respective creators, editors, publishers, or owners, whether individually, or as represented in a collection such as an anthology, exhibit, catalog, or magazine. Music on this website is Claire de Lune by Claude Debussy, Beta Records (2017) original performance recording used with permission - version x 1.33 speed.

Works may be identified by their Lunar Codex time capsule, NASA mission, as follows: [1] LC1 Orion - NASA EM-1 / Artemis 1 Mission (Nov 16-Dec 11, 2022); [2] LC2 Peregrine - NASA CLPS-TO2-AB  (Jan 8-18, 2024); [3] LC3 Nova - NASA CLPS-TO2-IM (Feb 15-22 2024); [4] LC4 Serenity - NASA CLPS-TO-19D Mission 1 (Jan 2025); [5] LC5 Minerva - NASA CLPS-TO-PRIME-1 (Feb 2025)[6] LC6 Polaris - NASA CLPS-TO-20A (Nov 2025); [7] LC7 Freya - NASA CLPS-TO-CP-11-PRISM (4Q25).
- Note: We are transitioning from the previous PM-1, XM-1, GM-1 designation to LC1-7, which is intended to be - but is not yet - implemented throughout the website.


The Lunar Codex is fully-funded by Incandence and asks for no fees of any kind from artists or institutions. Anyone soliciting such via email, direct message, Patreon, Kickstarter, Indiegogo, GoFundMe, or similar, in any manner whatsoever, is not affiliated with the Lunar Codex despite any representation to the contrary. Incandence does not profit and makes no revenue from the Lunar Codex project. The Lunar Codex does not and will not deal in non-fungible tokens (NFTs), crypto-, or blockchain-related works, nor does it endorse, nor is it associated with any entities involved in such ventures, despite any representation to the contrary.

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